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Safe At Home Summer Spark Challenge!


Hello, friends! Well, it’s been a difficult year, to say the least. Sadly, COVID-19 has been around for months and now threatens to sabotage a lot of our summer plans. To bring a spark of joy to your safe at home days, we’ve put together some helpful ideas and have created a fun challenge to chase away any summertime blues. Being at home can get old after time, but what a wonderful opportunity to create inviting and peaceful spaces you and your family can enjoy. Today’s blog is all about that. We hope these ideas inspire you!


Ok, if you’ve been around Brogley's a short minute you know that we are all about cleaning out and getting organized! This is something we believe is pertinent to creating a foundation for restful spaces that in turn spark inspiration to bring your homes alive. This is a simple step, and it doesn’t require spending any money, yay! So, start with going from room to room, and simply clean out the clutter, excess and piles. This alone will pay you in dividends. For a quick reference on tips to declutter, check out a post from the past: Decluttering Before a Move Part 1


A clean home is a happy home, and it’s also very much a must in these pandemic days. A way to make this fun is to grab a new and exciting toxic-free cleaner! There are many affordable options out there. Our new favorite is the Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Basil Scent Multi-Purpose Cleaner found at Target. After decluttering, put on those cleaning gloves to keep your hands extra safe, spray down all surfaces and wipe them clean. Sweep and run a quick mop over your hardwood floors. Don’t forget a quick vacuum over carpets and rugs. For a more detailed cleaning routine, check out this post: When Did You Last Clean These Forgotten Places


Now for the best part! There are many ways to add a little joy, excitement, and refreshment to your home. So let’s talk about some easy favorites. One is to bring a glow, literally, to a room by adding candles. There are a variety of scents, so choose a light option for small areas and maybe something a bit more bold for those larger spaces. Oil diffusers are an excellent alternative to enhance clean, lovely scents without the bother of a flame. Decorative pillows and bright, cheery throws on your sofas, benches, and chairs are another way to create a fun atmosphere that spells out “welcome.” Plants often bring a true sense of peace and tranquillity, as well as life and energy to any room. Real or fake, both do the job nicely—just make sure you water and trim them properly, or dust off those faux leaves for extra shine. Now sit back and breathe in your new, warm, and inviting space. Isn't it refreshing?

We hope these simple, few steps will help you bring that little spark to your home in these stay at home summer days. Don't forget to take things one step at a time. It is easy to get overwhelmed when working through a list, but with each improvement comes simple calm and joy to your life. Your loved ones will be grateful, too.

Now for the challenge! Please share your spark-filled spaces with us by tagging Brogley's in your home projects, and don’t forget to use our hashtag: #SafeAtHomeSummerSparkChallenge

Wishing you joy and spark in the Summer days ahead!

The Brogley Team



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